The Seven Rs that increase productivity

Posted on 22nd November, 2019

The 7 Rs of increased productivity


Time is the most valuable asset that we human beings have been given.  It is true that time is money and every second spent in an unproductive manner is tantamount to wasted life.  For high achievers, it is not uncommon to always want to account for every second of the day in terms of productivity.


Autumn is the season of introversion - we see trees begin to shed their leaves as if to say they are evaluating and getting rid of unnecessary bagage.  The drop in temperature means that for humans, the woolies come out and are back in fashion in order to conserve heat and energy.  It is also time for the most productive to begin to evaluate how they have spent the first 9 months of the year, whether or not they have achieved their goals or at least, they are on track to achieve them by the end of the year.


Mid autumn this year, I decided to take time out from my usual daily activities.  I found the time so valuable that I want to share with you part of what I gleaned and I hope you find it useful.  Like the above title says, I concluded from the benefits that I gained from this 'time-out' that there are seven important activities that need to be engaged in for a 'time-out' to be profitable and to subsequently boost productivity.  They are:


1. Rest

2. Refreshment

3. Renewal

4. Rejuvenation

5. Review 

6. Reflection

7. Refocus


I will be covering one of these elements each week for the next seven weeks and like I wrote above, I hope it blesses someone.






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